Amidst all of the negative news surrounding COVID-19, it’s important that we take the time to highlight some of the local businesses in Burlington that are doing their part to help bring a sense of normalcy into our lives during such uncertain times. However, we would be remiss if we failed to recognize the first responders, health-care workers, bus drivers, and all other workers deemed essential who are keeping Burlington safe, fed, and ticking. It’s no surprise that the inspiring businesses below are helping out these first responders, so it’s clear their contributions aren’t going unnoticed.
West End HBA
The West End Home Builders Association is doing their part during this pandemic by getting involved in an initiative alongside local Burlington businesses Utter Morris Insurance, The Leggat Auto Group, and John Trim Group at Scotia Capital Wealth Management. As a gesture of thanks and support to our front-line workers, they’ve been delivering lunches provided by local restaurants to essential employees who continue to work during this pandemic across the Burlington, Oakville, and Hamilton areas.
The idea originated when Jim Thorpe, President of Utter Morris Insurance Brokers, and Glenn Marshall at Greening Media were looking for something unique they could do to make a difference. With assistance from sponsors Leggat Auto Group, the John Trim Group at Scotia Capitol Wealth Management, and the West End Home Builders Association, they were able to collaborate with multiple local BBQ restaurants who were all excited to help. Thousands of meals have been delivered, with more coming every week!
A special thanks goes out to restaurant partners Camp 31 BBQ, Thirsty Cactus Cantina and Grill, La Piazza Allegra Hamilton, and Denninger’s Food of the World. Businesses and organizations interested in joining the cause can help by sponsoring a lunch delivery. Check out the article here!
Caffé Demetré
Caffé Demetré owner, Amer Kassem, and members of his staff handmade and delivered 100 crepes and waffles for the staff at CAMA Woodlands long-term care home in Burlington. “We’re in it together, and together we can really fight it,” Kassem said. “If we reach out to others maybe we will put on a smile, and satisfaction in our own hearts as well.”
Kassem plans on delivering desserts once a week throughout the pandemic to ensure everybody’s spirits remain high – and sweet-tooth’s well-fed.
Alan Baird, owner of a local dry-cleaning and alteration business called Stitch It, has refused to run and hide due to COVID-19. Instead of waiting it out, he came up with an idea to use his sewing machines to create non-surgical face masks at a time when supplies are dwindling. This also meant he didn’t have to lay-off all 400 members of his staff. “We have the capacity and we have the skills and we have the passion for doing it, so that’s what we’re trying to do,” he said.
So far, Alain and his staff have shipped out 14,500 masks to various locations all across the GTA. They are Eco-friendly, water and droplet repellent, and washable. For more information and to order your own masks click here:
This is only a small collection of Burlington businesses going out of their way to make a difference. If you know any other local businesses stepping up for the cause, feel free to leave a comment on Facebook!
We’re all going to get through this together, as is evident by the way people across the world are lifting each other up. Perhaps once everything has calmed down and life gets back to normal, we’ll all remember the compassion and togetherness that has become the foundation of our new daily lives during this pandemic.